Heather Hansman is one of my best friends from Colby College and a writer of the new book Downriver. An avid skier who travels frequently for work and pleasure, I love hearing about her adventures and can’t wait to try out this perfect day for myself soon!

Moab, Utah, is one of my favorite places on the planet. It's jammed between two of the country’s most beautiful national parks, the Colorado river runs right through town, and you can do pretty much any kind of outdoor adventure you can dream up. Spring is the perfect time for a desert dry out.

Have breakfast on the porch at the Eklecticafe and then choose your own adventure. Moab is known for its mountain biking—Poison spider is one of the best bike shops in the country—so go out for a ride or paddleboard the flat section of the Colorado just west of town.

Milt's Stop-n-Eat is a classic old-school burger joint, but everything they serve is local and sustainable. I have diverted an entire busload of people for a Milt's milkshake before.

My favorite short hike is Negro Bill Canyon, just up the river from town. It has creek crossings, waterfalls, arches and more.

Shopping time. Main street is full of cheesy t-shirt shops and souvenir stores, but it's also home to one of the best bookstores in the country, Back of Beyond Books, which specializes in rare western books. You can also pick up a copy of Downriver, by yours truly.

Head across the street to Moab Made which has local art like prints by local painter Julia Buckwalter, and then go to the T-Shirt Shop, where you can get anything your little heart desires silkscreened onto a shirt. Trust me on this one.

You could spend a lifetime exploring Canyonlands and Arches National Parks, but if you only have a day, hit the highlights. Head into Arches and hike up to Delicate Arch for sunset.

Utah is not known for its alcohol (pro tip, you can only get booze at the state liquor store), but the Moab Brewery has good beer and high quality bar food.

Looking for more tips or help planning your next vacation? Email me at travelgage10@gmail.com!

*All recommendations from guest columnists come from the contributors and I cannot personally verify the information contained therein.