Katie Norris is one of my best friends from high school and who now lives in Boston. Katie and I spent some magical days in Paris a few years ago, so I can attest to her great taste in what to do and where to eat in Paris! Enjoy reading more about her perfect day in Paris.

Waking up in one of the Louis XV rooms at the Luxembourg Parc hotel with the windows open to the Gardens is the best way to get ready for the wonderful and action-packed day ahead. First and foremost every perfect day in Paris MUST begin with a pain au chocolate and cafe au lait at Poilane on Rue deu Cherche-Medi, the true locals grab their pastries to go but the cafe next door is also lovely. 

If you're not in Paris to walk, you're doing it wrong so stroll from breakfast to the best Hermes in the city at Sevres-Babylone Metro stop then on to the Champ de Mars to visit Tour Eiffel and across the Seine to the Trocodero. While the view from the top of the Tour Eiffel is lovely the lines can be long and the true photo-op is really from the Trocodero so it's ok to keep on walking.  If your dogs are barking and you need a little break grab the 10 metro at the Trocodero 4 stops to Jasmin then it's a short walk to the best lunch of your life at Desnoyer and Co butcher shop on Rue de Dr. Blanche. As you're in Paris it is imperative to order a bottle of french red with lunch and the filet of beef for two, the pate and beef tartare are also exceptional. There are only 3 tables and they only serve lunch so call ahead 1+ month ahead of time to reserve a table. 

You'll need a walk after lunch so head to the Musee Marmottan Monet a few blocks away to see a museum dedicated to Monet and all his impressionist friends. There are plenty of other incredible museums in Paris but the one is off the beaten path and in a lovely residential neighborhood near the Bois de Boulogne. 

Now here the options change depending on the weather  . . . .

-If the weather is nice take the 63 bus to Alma-Marceau and walk across the Seine to one of the riverside cafes for a glass (ok bottle) of Rose and some incredible people watching. 

-If the weather is cold or wet take the 32 bus to the bar at the Four Seasons George V for the most expensive cocktail of the trip but well worth it.

Ok back on track, head to Sainte Chapelle either by walking along the Seine or via the 72 bus that runs right another the river for 18:30 evensong as the sun sets and the chapel really turns into a gorgeous life-sized jewelry box and then to pre-dinner snacks that might just turn into dinner because it's so fun and delicious. L'Avant Comptoir a tiny standing room only wine and bites bar with a very interesting menu is a short 10 minute walk. 

If you're still standing and hungry/thirsty dinner is close to home at La Ferrandaise for a lovely but casual meal and a quick walk home. 

There are a million other favorites in Paris for meals, wine and museums/sites but if I had just one day to spend this is what I'd do over and over again.  Enjoy!

Looking for more tips or help planning your next vacation? Email me at travelgage10@gmail.com!

*All recommendations from guest columnists come from the contributors and I cannot personally verify the information contained therein.